Monday, March 18, 2013

Canada and Alaska

Mar 18, 2013  
       Possible route Canada into Alaska and return. Hah! I love route planning. Look at places from map, interesting places to visit and stay, stories of that places and what to do there. The more you know the better equip you are before you physically there. So, you are imagining things already. That why I like about looking at these new places. Call it dreaming, if you like. But I had had the same dream of Europe, South America, New Zealand, South East Asia and Middle East. And I had traveled all of them. That wasn't dreaming but reality. So here goes and let start from Nelson, AB Canada:

      Nelson - Jasper - Kamloops - Vancouver - Prince George - Whitehorse - Beaver Creek (border cross into US) - Tok, AK USA - Big Delta - Fairbanks - Livengood - Coldfoot - Wiseman - Galbraith Lake - Deadhorse.

Let say this Northbound leg takes 2 weeks of traveling time.

    Deadhorse - Coldfoot - Arctic Circle - Livengood - Fairbanks - healy - Anchorage - Glenallen - Tok - Boundary (cross border into Canada) - Little Gold Creek - Dawson City, YT Canada.
This Southbound leg takes around a week but slightly more if I stay longer in the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska.