Thursday, November 3, 2011

South America Tour

3 November 2011

The South America Tour top my list now and basic preparation is currently underway. The plan is simple; take a flight to Colombia, South America, buy a bike there and ride down towards Ushuaia, Argentina make a bout turn and return to Colombia. Sell the bike and take a return flight home.
The route will cover; Colombia - Ecuador - Peru - Chile - Argentina - Chile - Argentina - Chile - Argentina - Bolivia - Peru - Ecuador - Colombia. I estimated the total distance about 14062 km and time taken about 4 months.
The bike is KLR 650, Colombian registered.
As of today I am making appointment with a doctor to get a Yellow Fever vaccination. This is a must to enter Colombia. A certificate of prove is required. Maps and GPS checked but a compass is my basic instrument for navigation. My complete list of items to check and take follows in next article.
Stay tune for me story...


1 comment:

saladin291 said...

interesting ur i can contact u...